Friday 1 February 2013

Limitations on the Mobile Platform

My original idea for the enemies health system in the game was to use an immersive black and white health system to indicate the enemies remaining health. This was to keep in with the idea of having no visible HUD.

As you can see around the enemy the world is rendered in black and white. The larger the B&W area is, the higher it's health will be. As you attack the enemy it's the B&W radius will start to shrink and when it no longer turn any of the world B&W it will be defeated. However to be able to render the the B&W effect, you need to enable a thing called WebGL. Unfortunately mobiles cannot render WebGL and I won't be able to use this for the iPad version of the game and will have to resort to using a regular health bar and will keep the B&W health for the PC/Mac browser version of the game.    

Thursday 24 January 2013

Speaking With NPCs

I have implemented a simple speech system in to the game. This is pretty basic and is going to go through a few changes but, for now you can at least give it a go.

Speech Test

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Running Sprite Sheet

The Village Elder

Putting on the finishing touches to one of the characters you will see in the game, the Village Elder.

Sapientia is know around the village as The Elder. She is the eldest in the village and is considered very wise. The villagers hold her with very high regard and trust her advice and warnings.

You will encounter Sapientia at the beginning of the game when she asks you to do her a favour and fetch some ingredients from the forest so she can finish the medicines she is preparing to help heal the farmers goat.


Been making some changes to the story, design and characters.


This is going to be the village section of the game and where you start off. The art is all completely place holder and will be updated.

Monday 12 November 2012


Good news is that I have a new update, but the bad news is it won't run on the iPad.

This will work fine on your PC/Mac, but will have problems if you run off any mobile device.

If you have tried on both devices you will notice that on PC you get a nice desaturation effect where the enemy is and on mobile you get a big black splodge. This is because the shader that is used to run the desaturation effect is reliant on a thing named WebGL. However currently no mobile platforms support WebGL. I am going to have to rework a lot of my design around this which is a large pain in the arse.

(Not final representative of final art work)

Sunday 11 November 2012

Art Upate

Started work on the art assets for the game. I was playing around in the earlier build and noticed that I didn't really have a colour palette. So I have gone back and reworked the art again. Bare in mind these are still not complete art assets just a reworking of the last ones. Do enjoy.

New Update

Like before if your playing on your PC/Mac, the WASD keys to move. If you are playing on a touch enabled device touch the sides of the screen to move and double tap the opposite side of which you are moving to jump.